You know the feeling. That one moment, the moment your students are so enthralled. You could walk out of the room, grab a cup of coffee, hang out in the hallway for a few minutes and never be missed.

We engage teachers and administrators in thought provoking, research-based reflection of teaching and learning and support the processes that elevate student achievement.
You know the feeling. That one moment, the moment your students are so enthralled. You could walk out of the room, grab a cup of coffee, hang out in the hallway for a few minutes and never be missed.
I belong to a mom’s group, called Darling Doubles, a group for twin moms. This group is a nonprofit group of woman who are strong, untiring, and not a force to be reckoned with. After each meeting I am amazed and awed at the talent, energy, and vision of these woman. We come from all walks of life focused on one common goal – bettering our lives and the lives of our children by helping the world become a better place.
Last week I was demonstrating a math lesson using pattern blocks to build spatial understanding in a kindergarten classroom. I was asked to do this particular lesson by the teacher because the students were struggling with showing an understanding of the concept and she wanted to know how to support her students’ success.
Some months ago, I attended a conference where I picked up the book, Engaging Adolescent Learners A Guide for Content-Area Teachers by Releah Cossett Lent. What I didn’t pay attention to was who wrote the foreward. I found this exciting piece of information when I returned home and began reading. The foreword was written by the esteemed Brian Cambourne.
Usually I am a stickler for reading the book before watching the movie or attending a theater production. However, a couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to see Wicked in Chicago before I read the book. The production was AMAZING! Enamored with the storyline, I became engrossed in the start of the Wicked trilogy. Flying through Wicked, I was engaged and mesmerized by the setting, characters, and perspective of good versus evil. I knew when I picked up Son of a Witch, the read would be just as delightful.